How often should a younger child's hearing be tested after a hearing loss has been identified (assuming no other problems are present and there is no concern about the accuracy of the test results)?

How often should a younger child's hearing be tested after a hearing loss has been identified (assuming no other problems are present and there is no concern about the accuracy of the test results)?

a. once a month
b. once a year
c. twice a year
d. every other year

Answer: C. twice a year

Background noise:

Background noise:

a. increases the signal-to-noise ratio and increases training difficulty
b. decreases the signal-to-noise ratio and decreases training difficulty
c. increases the signal-to-noise ratio and decreases training difficulty
d. decreases the signal-to-noise ratio and increases training difficulty

Answer: D. Decreases the signal-to-noise ratio and increases training difficulty

Formal training activities occur:

Formal training activities occur:

a. during designated times of the day, with the student working alone
b. during designated times of the day, with the student working with you or a small group of other students
c. periodically, with the student working alone
d. periodically, with the student working with you or a small group of other students

Answer: B. during designated times of the day, with the student working with you or a small group of other students

When choosing and providing reinforcements for formal training:

When choosing and providing reinforcements for formal training:

a. The child should be able to perform the reinforcement activity quickly
b. The reinforcement activity should as challenging as possible for the child
c. The same reinforcement activity should be used several times a day
d. The child should perform the reinforcement activity before responding to a training item correctly.

Answer: c. The same reinforcement activity should be used several times a day

Which formal test primarily tests pragmatics?

Which formal test primarily tests pragmatics?

a. Reynell Developmental Language Scales
b. Parents' Evaluation of Aural/Oral Performance of Children (PEACH)
c. Oral and Written Language Skills (OWLS)
d. Developmental Sentence Analysis (DSA)

Answer: b. Parents' Evaluation of Aural/Oral Performance of Children (PEACH)

Which formal test primarily tests form?

Which formal test primarily tests form?

a. Index of Productive Syntax (IPSyn)
b. Semantic Content Analysis
c. Expressive Vocabulary Test
d. Meaningful Use of Speech Scale (MUSS)

Answer: a. Index of Productive Syntax (IPSyn)

Which test uses a set of 40 cards with a single word printed on each?

Which test uses a set of 40 cards with a single word printed on each?

a. Phonetic Leveland the Phonologic Level Speech Evaluation
b. CID Phonetic Inventory
c. Speech Intelligibility Evaluation (SPINE)
d. Beginners' Intelligibility Test (BIT)

Answer: c. Speech Intelligibility Evaluation (SPINE)

Which statement about children who receive cochlear implants is correct?

Which statement about children who receive cochlear implants is correct?

a. They develop form at the same rate as children with normal hearing
b. They develop form at the same rate as hearing aid users.
c. They develop form faster than children with normal hearing, but slower than hearing aid users
d. They develop form faster than hearing aid users, but slower than children with normal hearing.

Answer: d. They develop form faster than hearing aid users, but slower than children with normal hearing.

Adults with significant and prelingual hearing loss often demonstrate what aberrant behavior when talking?

Adults with significant and prelingual hearing loss often demonstrate what aberrant behavior when talking?

a. expending less breath saying each word than talkers with normal hearing
b. producing more words per breath than talkers with normal hearing
c. using excessive force while speaking an initial stop consonant
d. initiating utterances with a great deal of air volume in their lungs

Answer: c. using excessive force while speaking an initial stop consonant

A rising intonation:

A rising intonation:

a. converts a statement into a question.
b. conveys irritation or impatience.
c. suggests a lack of interest in the conversation.
d. expresses gravitas.

Answer: A. converts a statement into a question

Early intervention ideally begins:

Early intervention ideally begins:

a. at birth
b. by the age of 12 months
c. by the age of 18 months
d. as soon as the permanent hearing loss is confirmed

Answer: D. as soon as the permanent hearing loss is confirmed

Which of these can be used to help establish electrical thresholds for a cochlear implant by means of electrical stimulation?

Which of these can be used to help establish electrical thresholds for a cochlear implant by means of electrical stimulation?

a. behavioral/observational audiometry (BOA)
b. conditioned play audiometry (CPA)
c. neural response telemetry (NRT)
d. visual response audiometry (VRA)

Answer: C. neural response telemetry (NRT)

Part C of IDEA adds services for .

Part C of IDEA adds services for .

a. teenagers
b. children with psychiatric problems
c. children from birth to age 3 and their families
d. all of the above

Answer: C. children from birth to age 3 and their families

Which of the following was passed in 1975 and guarantees a free and appropriate education for all children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 18 years of age, in the least restrictive environment possible?

Which of the following was passed in 1975 and guarantees a free and appropriate education for all children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 18 years of age, in the least restrictive environment possible?

a. PL 107-110
c. PL 101-476
d. PL 94-142

Answer: d. PL 94 -142

The role of the classroom teacher may involve:

The role of the classroom teacher may involve:

a. selecting and ensuring the proper use of listening devices
b. helping parents learn sign language
c. providing formal speechreading training
d. planning and managing the learning environment

Answer: D. Planning and managing the learning environment

What is NOT part of a child's individualized education plan (IEP)?

What is NOT part of a child's individualized education plan (IEP)?

a. a description of the child's language and communication needs
b. a description of the child's present level of performance
c. generic goals for children with hearing loss
d. the means for assessment

Answer: C. Generic goals for children with hearing loss

Which of the following is an example of a complex sentence?

Which of the following is an example of a complex sentence?

a. The dog and the turtle live in the backyard.
b. I have a dog and she owns a turtle.
c. While we both love the beach, I want to visit the mountains.

Answer: c. While we both love the beach, I want to visit the mountains.

Canonical babbling includes

Canonical babbling includes

a. reduplicated babbling
b. nonreduplicated babbling
c. reflexive babbling
d. a and b
e. none of the above

Answer: d. a and b

Infants begin to learn about voice and speech

Infants begin to learn about voice and speech

a. prior to birth (in the womb)
b. at birth when others begin talking to them
c. when they start babbling
c. when they say their first word

Answer: a. prior to birth (in the womb)

Prelinguistic behavior refers to

Prelinguistic behavior refers to

a. the development of an infant's vocal tract
b. the ability to perceive speech sounds prior to birth
c. all vocalizations prior to a child's first words
d. prosodic feature development

Answer: c. all vocalizations prior to a child's first words

According to metrical phonology, the word potato has which of the following stress patterns?

According to metrical phonology, the word potato has which of the following stress patterns?

a. weak branching to "po" into strong branching to "tato"; further divided into stronger branching on "ta," weak branching on "to"
b. strong branching on "po," weak branching to "tato"; further divided into strong branching on "ta," weak branching on "to"
c. weak branching to "po" into strong branching to "tato"; further divided into weak branching on "ta," strong branching on "to"

Answer: a. weak branching to "po" into strong branching to "tato"; further divided into stronger branching on "ta," weak branching on "to"

Which one of the following terms is not representative of autosegmental phonology?

Which one of the following terms is not representative of autosegmental phonology?

a. tiers are separable and independent levels
b. certain segments are autonomous and do not have a one-for-one match on another level
c. strong and weak stresses are emphasized
d. feature spreading is also a portion of this concept

Answer: c. strong and weak stresses are emphasized

Which one of the following is true about nonlinear/multilinear phonologies?

Which one of the following is true about nonlinear/multilinear phonologies?

a. segments are governed by more complex linguistic dimensions such as stress
b. emphasis is on the sequential arrangement of sound segments
c. all sound segments have equal value
d. no one sound segment has control over the other units

Answer: a. segments are governed by more complex linguistic dimensions such as stress

Which of the following statements concerning phonological processes is not true?

Which of the following statements concerning phonological processes is not true?

a. they are innate
b. they are universal
c. children with different language backgrounds begin with different sets of phonological processes
d. they are used to simplify productions for children in the development period

Answer: c. children with different language backgrounds begin with different sets of phonological processes

The transcription [ʊ̜]would indicate which one of the following?

The transcription [ʊ̜]would indicate which one of the following?

a. a vowel position that is too far forward
b. a vowel position that is too far back
c. a vowel that is less rounded than usual
d. a vowel that is more rounded than usual

Answer: c. a vowel that is less rounded than usual

Diacritics can be used for?

Diacritics can be used for?

a. documenting results from an articulation test
b. demonstrating specific articulatory changes during the process of therapy
c. both a and b
d. none of the above

Answer: c. both a and b

The consonant [l] is described phonetically as a

The consonant [l] is described phonetically as a

a. voiced apico-alveolar lateral approximant
b. voiced coronal-alveolar glide
c. voiced predorsal-alveolar lateral-approximant
d. voiced postdorsal-velar lateral-approximant

Answer: a. voiced apico-alveolar lateral approximant

The vowel [i] is described pho9netically as a

The vowel [i] is described pho9netically as a

a. high-front vowel that is unrounded and lax
b. mid-front vowel that is unrounded and tense
c. high-front vowel that is unrounded and tense
d. high-back vowel that is unrounded and tense

Answer: c. high-front vowel that is unrounded and tense

Vowels are defined as having

Vowels are defined as having

a. no simultaneous vocal fold vibration under normal conditions
b. articulatory constriction along the sagittal midline of the vocal tract
c. relatively unimpeded airstream from the vocal folds to the lips
d. relatively less acoustic intensity than consonants

Answer: c. relatively unimpeded airstream from the vocal folds to the lips

Which of the following is not included in the definition of phonetics?

Which of the following is not included in the definition of phonetics?

a. the production of features of speech sounds
b. the organizational system of speech sounds
c. the transmission properties of speech sounds
d. the perceptual bases of speech sounds

Answer: b. the organizational system of speech sounds

Which of the following is not included in the definition of phonological disorder?

Which of the following is not included in the definition of phonological disorder?

a. problems in the language-specific function of phonemes
b. disturbances in the relatively peripheral motor processes that result in speech
c. disturbances represent an impairment of the understanding and organization of phonemes
d. phonemic errors

Answer: b. disturbances in the relatively peripheral motor processes that result in speech

The definition of phonology includes

The definition of phonology includes

a. the description of the system and patterns of phonemes within a language
b. the classification and description of how speech sounds are produced
c. the oral, verbal expression of language
d. the relatively peripheral motor processes involved in speech

Answer: the description of the system and patterns of phonemes within a language

Which one of the following could be considered a portion of semantics?

Which one of the following could be considered a portion of semantics?

a. the multiple meanings of the word "trunk"
b. that "un" could be added to "happy" to change its meaning
c. that children know from a fairly early age that we talk to babies somehow differently
d. that sentences can be combined with the word "and"

Answer: a. the multiple meanings of the word "trunk"

Which one of the following could be considered a portion of morphology?

Which one of the following could be considered a portion of morphology?

a. the multiple meanings of the word "trunk"
b. that "un" could be added to "happy" to change its meaning
c. that children know from a fairly early age that we talk to babies somehow differently
d. that sentences can be combined with the word "and"

Answer: b. that "un" could be added to "happy" to change its meaning

The definition of articulation disorder reflects

The definition of articulation disorder reflects

a. peripheral motor processes
b. gradually developing motor skills
c. the totality of motor processes involved in the planning and execution of speech
d. all of the above

Answer: d. all of the above

The definition of articulation includes which of the following?

The definition of articulation includes which of the following?

a. describes the systems and patterns of phonemes in a particular language
b. includes phonotactics
c. refers to the totality of motor processes involved in speech
d. all of the above

Answer: c.refers to the totality of motor processes involved in speech