Gus was asked to present information on the topic of art appreciation. This topic can be rather vague and subjective in nature; different pieces of are can be described in a multitude of ways. However, Gus found a way of clearly defining terms and concepts so the audience would have a common point of reference. For Gus, the primary goal of his informative speech would be:

Gus was asked to present information on the topic of art appreciation. This topic can be rather vague and subjective in nature; different pieces of are can be described in a multitude of ways. However, Gus found a way of clearly defining terms and concepts so the audience would have a common point of reference. For Gus, the primary goal of his informative speech would be:

Answer: to enhance understanding

Mandy's "save the whales" speech was very effective because she started off with stories about whales, then she moved into facts, statistics, and sources, which principle of support material organization did Mandy effectively use in her speech?

Mandy's "save the whales" speech was very effective because she started off with stories about whales, then she moved into facts, statistics, and sources, which principle of support material organization did Mandy effectively use in her speech?

Answer: "soft" to "hard" evidence

In his speech on varying explanations of how the earth came into existence, Eduardo begins with opinions, moves to inferences, and uses scientific facts in support of his last point. What principle of supporting material organization is Eduardo reflecting in his speech?

In his speech on varying explanations of how the earth came into existence, Eduardo begins with opinions, moves to inferences, and uses scientific facts in support of his last point. What principle of supporting material organization is Eduardo reflecting in his speech?

Answer: "soft" to "hard" evidence

For you persuasive speech supporting assisted suicide, you decide to first provide a definition of the term and talk generally about the current status of the problem. Then you will bring up individual incidents in which assisted suicides have prevented needless suffering in the victim, while the family member who assisted has been imprisoned, Which strategy of support material organization i sthis plan reflecting?

For you persuasive speech supporting assisted suicide, you decide to first provide a definition of the term and talk generally about the current status of the problem. Then you will bring up individual incidents in which assisted suicides have prevented needless suffering in the victim, while the family member who assisted has been imprisoned, Which strategy of support material organization i sthis plan reflecting?

Answer: specificity

Paul describes first how hunger is a word-wide problem; he then explains that there is a hunger problem in America; then he describes a family suffering in his hown town. What aspect of supporting material organization is Paul emplying here?

Paul describes first how hunger is a word-wide problem; he then explains that there is a hunger problem in America; then he describes a family suffering in his hown town. What aspect of supporting material organization is Paul emplying here?

Answer: the specificity principle

Bianca began her speech with a vivid description of teh typical waiting area in an emergency room of a public hospital. She described the different areas of the emergency room and where each part of the emergency room was located in relastionship to other parts. What organizational pattern can you detect in Bianca's speech?

Bianca began her speech with a vivid description of teh typical waiting area in an emergency room of a public hospital. She described the different areas of the emergency room and where each part of the emergency room was located in relastionship to other parts. What organizational pattern can you detect in Bianca's speech?

Answer: cause-effect

Janet's introduction contained the following remarks: How may of you know someone who has tried to quit smoking, successfully or unsuccessfully. Have any of the smokers in this audience tried to quit? Well, if you have tried to quit multiple times. A few months ago I tried to quit, for the umpteenth time, bu this time I made it. I would like to tell you exactly how I made it." Which of the following statements is accurate about this introduction?

Janet's introduction contained the following remarks: How may of you know someone who has tried to quit smoking, successfully or unsuccessfully. Have any of the smokers in this audience tried to quit? Well, if you have tried to quit multiple times. A few months ago I tried to quit, for the umpteenth time, bu this time I made it. I would like to tell you exactly how I made it." Which of the following statements is accurate about this introduction?

Answer: she has successfully combined introductory devices of questions to the audience, statistical information, and a personal reference.

In developing her speech on scuba diving, Rachael is tryign to decide whether or not to tell the audience in her introduction that she has been a diver since she was a Freshman in high school. She wonders if this will help or hurt her credibility. What textbook advice applies here?

In developing her speech on scuba diving, Rachael is tryign to decide whether or not to tell the audience in her introduction that she has been a diver since she was a Freshman in high school. She wonders if this will help or hurt her credibility. What textbook advice applies here?

Answer: she should give a brief, credibility;building explanation about her experience with the topic.

The statement, "This is a great day, because so many people frm so many walks of live have gathered in this place to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr." is an example of an introductionary device called:

The statement, "This is a great day, because so many people frm so many walks of live have gathered in this place to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King Jr." is an example of an introductionary device called:

Answer: a reference to the occasion

In the speech just before Jerome's, the speaker covered some of the same material that Jerome wa sgoing to use in his speech on golf. Instead of letting this throw him, Jerome acknowledged the overlap in his introduction. Was this a wise thing according to your text?

In the speech just before Jerome's, the speaker covered some of the same material that Jerome wa sgoing to use in his speech on golf. Instead of letting this throw him, Jerome acknowledged the overlap in his introduction. Was this a wise thing according to your text?

Answer: Yes; he used an attention-getting, credibility-building device known as a reference to a preceding speech

When Gloria said, "So we must all do something to end domestic violance; we must all be prepared to confront this issue in our own neighborhoods and homes; so that we be ome part of the solution, not part of the problem," you recognize this as:

When Gloria said, "So we must all do something to end domestic violance; we must all be prepared to confront this issue in our own neighborhoods and homes; so that we be ome part of the solution, not part of the problem," you recognize this as:

Answer: a statement to motivate the audience to respond

In his speech about registering to vote, Dan explains the new legislation that allows voter registration to coincide with driver's license renewal. But he concludes the speech by stating that any person who is not registered should be by several locations that he has listed on the chalkboard and register in time for the next election. Finally, Dan reinterates, Everyone please register to vote; it's your right, and your duty as a citizen. What aspect of effectice conclusions has Dan utilized?

In his speech about registering to vote, Dan explains the new legislation that allows voter registration to coincide with driver's license renewal. But he concludes the speech by stating that any person who is not registered should be by several locations that he has listed on the chalkboard and register in time for the next election. Finally, Dan reinterates, Everyone please register to vote; it's your right, and your duty as a citizen. What aspect of effectice conclusions has Dan utilized?

Answer: an appeal to action of the part of the audience

In her introduction to her speech about eating disorders, Sheila told the story of a friend who almost died of anorexia. In her conclusion, she reminded her audience of what her friend went through and explained that her friend was currently doing well in her battle against the disease. Was this an appropriate strategy for her speech?

In her introduction to her speech about eating disorders, Sheila told the story of a friend who almost died of anorexia. In her conclusion, she reminded her audience of what her friend went through and explained that her friend was currently doing well in her battle against the disease. Was this an appropriate strategy for her speech?

Answer: Yes; this is a concluding strategy known as an introduction

Although Betsy lives in a state where carrying concealed weapons is legal, she wants to persuade her listeners that stricter handgun legislation should be passed. According to Maslow, which need is she addressing?

Although Betsy lives in a state where carrying concealed weapons is legal, she wants to persuade her listeners that stricter handgun legislation should be passed. According to Maslow, which need is she addressing?

Answer: safety

Lawanda just didn't want to change her stance on capital punishment , but Jack's argument did make her think twice about her position. However, instead of being persuaded, Lawanda dismissed the arguments by deeming Jack's facts unreliable. How has Lawanda responded to her own congnitive dissonance in theory?

Lawanda just didn't want to change her stance on capital punishment , but Jack's argument did make her think twice about her position. However, instead of being persuaded, Lawanda dismissed the arguments by deeming Jack's facts unreliable. How has Lawanda responded to her own congnitive dissonance in theory?

Answer: by attacking the credibility of his sources

Matt is listening to a persuasive speech on assisted suicide, He begins to feel uncomfortable but then decides the speaker didn't know what she was talking about. Matt is using which dissonance coping stradegy?

Matt is listening to a persuasive speech on assisted suicide, He begins to feel uncomfortable but then decides the speaker didn't know what she was talking about. Matt is using which dissonance coping stradegy?

Answer: He is discrediting the source.

In her persuasive speech, Martha spoke about the possibility of dirty nuclear weapons being used against the US by Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. She challenged them to monitor senate hearings on the problem and to get involved by writing or emailing their legislators. What form of motivation did Martha successfully employ in her speech?

In her persuasive speech, Martha spoke about the possibility of dirty nuclear weapons being used against the US by Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. She challenged them to monitor senate hearings on the problem and to get involved by writing or emailing their legislators. What form of motivation did Martha successfully employ in her speech?

Answer: negative motivation, based on a fear appeal

You want to do a speech on the importance of yoga and as exercise routine, but don't want to come across as though you were scolding the audience for not being more active. You simply want to uplift them, to make them feel good about their own potential, and to show them the health benefits of activity. If you do this, what persuasive strategy will you be using?

You want to do a speech on the importance of yoga and as exercise routine, but don't want to come across as though you were scolding the audience for not being more active. You simply want to uplift them, to make them feel good about their own potential, and to show them the health benefits of activity. If you do this, what persuasive strategy will you be using?

Answer: positive motivatio

During her speech on creating a healthier environment, Maureen stated that more laws shoudl be in effect to protect the environment becaues her town had a littering problem. Maureen was demonstrating which fallacy?

During her speech on creating a healthier environment, Maureen stated that more laws shoudl be in effect to protect the environment becaues her town had a littering problem. Maureen was demonstrating which fallacy?

Answer: non sequitur

In an introduction to a persuasive speech, Fran said: "Ther was a time when I thought I would never have a job, a decent life, a boyfriend, or any pleasure in life. But, after working as an intern at Channel 3, I know what i really want to do with my life and that gives me great satisfaction. I encourage you all to become interns, so that you, too, can discover that there is something in life that inspires passion in you...that you're willing to work work hard for... to be be happy." What type of message did this speaker effectively use in this introduction?

In an introduction to a persuasive speech, Fran said: "Ther was a time when I thought I would never have a job, a decent life, a boyfriend, or any pleasure in life. But, after working as an intern at Channel 3, I know what i really want to do with my life and that gives me great satisfaction. I encourage you all to become interns, so that you, too, can discover that there is something in life that inspires passion in you...that you're willing to work work hard for... to be be happy." What type of message did this speaker effectively use in this introduction?

Answer: an appeal to emotion

In a speech to the neighborhood watch group, Mr. Simmons made the following statement: "If you see someone running down the sidewalk in our neighborhood and you don't recognize that person, you can assume that person has committed some type of crime. You must act immediately. Don't hestitate for a second. Call 911. Some members of the audience recognized this statement as an example of:

In a speech to the neighborhood watch group, Mr. Simmons made the following statement: "If you see someone running down the sidewalk in our neighborhood and you don't recognize that person, you can assume that person has committed some type of crime. You must act immediately. Don't hestitate for a second. Call 911. Some members of the audience recognized this statement as an example of:

Answer: a causal fallacy

When Ramone spoke about th eneed for regular health check-ups, he was so knowledgeable, so sincere, and so energetic in his delivery that everyone responded quite positively to his speech. What aspect of good persuasive delivery did Ramone demonstate?

When Ramone spoke about th eneed for regular health check-ups, he was so knowledgeable, so sincere, and so energetic in his delivery that everyone responded quite positively to his speech. What aspect of good persuasive delivery did Ramone demonstate?

Answer: ethos

As United Nations representatives, Shanthy and Miles were determined to establish an early warning system for tsunamic threats. They had personally seen the devastation to their homeland of Sri Lanka in December 2004, and knew they had the power to affect change. In their speeches before the UN, they showed the tsunami had struck. In the end, they were able to persuade the audience to consider the proposal for an early warning system. Which tip did they follow for using emotions to persuade?

As United Nations representatives, Shanthy and Miles were determined to establish an early warning system for tsunamic threats. They had personally seen the devastation to their homeland of Sri Lanka in December 2004, and knew they had the power to affect change. In their speeches before the UN, they showed the tsunami had struck. In the end, they were able to persuade the audience to consider the proposal for an early warning system. Which tip did they follow for using emotions to persuade?

Answer: They used emotion-arousing images to trigger a response.

Sometime near the end if the drama, there should be a moment when the forces of the story are in balance, and we do not know if the protagonist will achieve his or her objective. This moment is called the "___________".

Sometime near the end if the drama, there should be a moment when the forces of the story are in balance, and we do not know if the protagonist will achieve his or her objective. This moment is called the "___________".

Answer: Crisis or MDQ