Which of the following documents a journal article in proper format using MLA style?

Which of the following documents a journal article in proper format using MLA style?

a. Pais, J. (2007). Speech Anxiety and Rapid Emotional Reactions to Angry and Happy Facial Expressions. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 48 2007: 321-328.

b. Pais, Joana. Speech Anxiety and Rapid Emotional Reactions to Angry and Happy Facial Expressions. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 48 2007: 321-328.

c. Pais, Joana. "Speech Anxiety and Rapid Emotional Reactions to Angry and Happy Facial Expressions." Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 48 2007: 321-328.

d. Pais, J. "Speech Anxiety and Rapid Emotional Reactions to Angry and Happy Facial Expressions." Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 48, 2007: 321-328.

Answer: C

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