Each of the following questions should be asked about the speech setting to help with speech planning beforehand except

Each of the following questions should be asked about the speech setting to help with speech planning beforehand except 

A. What are the special expectations for the speech?
B. Will a meal be served before a speech?
C. What is the appropriate length for the speech?
D. How large will the audience be?
E. Where will the speech be given?

Answer: B

In the final review of the outline before you move into adaptation and rehearsal, you should ask yourself all of these questions except

In the final review of the outline before you move into adaptation and rehearsal, you should ask yourself all of these questions except 

A. Have I used a standard set of symbols to indicate structure?
B. Have I written main points and major subdivisions as complete sentences?
C do main points and major subdivisions each contain multiple ideas to hold the audience's attention ?
D. Does the outline include no more than one third the total number of words anticipated in the speech?
E. Are potential subdivision elaborations indicated?

Answer: C

In the conclusion of a speech you should

In the conclusion of a speech you should

A. Summarize the main points
B. Read the sources compiled from the Bibliographic information recorded on research notecards for the audience
C. Get the audience's' attention
D. Introduce the thesis
E. Establish credibility

Answer: A

All of the following should be considered frameworks of an expository speech except

All of the following should be considered frameworks of an expository speech except

A. Acquiring information from reputable sources
B. Using a variety of methods to keep the audience's attention
C. Choosing an organizational pattern that is best suited to the material being presented
D. Understanding what you are presenting
E. Believing in what you are presenting

Answer: E

You can use visual aids, repetition, transitions, humor, and memory aids to

You can use visual aids, repetition, transitions, humor, and memory aids to

A. Highlight important information that you want your audience to remember
B. Encourage productive thinking
C. Create an informative speech
D. Describe the specific goal of the speech
E. Ensure that your main points are stated in parallel language

Answer: A

Which of the following patterns for organizing persuasive speeches helps you organize your main points so that you persuade by both challenging opposing arguments and bolstering your own?

Which of the following patterns for organizing persuasive speeches helps you organize your main points so that you persuade by both challenging opposing arguments and bolstering your own? 

A. Statement of reasons
B. Problem-cause-solution
C. Criteria satisfaction
D. Comparative advantages
E. Refutation

Answer: E

The ____ pattern is a form of persuasive organization used for arguing a proposition of value then the goal is to prove that something has more value than something else.

The ____ pattern is a form of persuasive organization used for arguing a proposition of value then the goal is to prove that something has more value than something else. 

A. Statement of reasons
B. Problem solution
C. Comparative advantages
D. Criteria satisfaction
E. Motivated sequence

Answer: C

When handling your presentational aids, what is the most important thing to consider?

When handling your presentational aids, what is the most important thing to consider? 

A. That you only share the aid when you are talking about it
B. That you indicate on your outline exactly when you plan on revealing and concealing the presentational aid
C. That you direct your attention to the audience, not the aid
D. That you practice repeatedly the handling of your aid
E. That you display your aid so that everyone can see it

Answer: D

How your voice sounds depends on its

How your voice sounds depends on its 

A. Tone, pitch, quality, and rate
B. Pitch, volume, rate, and quality
C. Quality, volume, clarity, and tone
D. Clarity, pitch, rate, and quality
E. Volume, quality, clarity, and tone

Answer: B

Which is not one of the five guidelines that can aid in adapting the information of your speech so that the audience can more easily understand it?

Which is not one of the five guidelines that can aid in adapting the information of your speech so that the audience can more easily understand it?

A. Choosing clear language
B. Orienting the audience with basic information
C. Comparing unfamiliar ideas with those the audience would recognize
D. Appealing to your audience's diverse learning styles
E. Using technical language where necessary

Answer: E

When choosing the supporting material for your speech, it's important to select materials that demonstrate how the speech

When choosing the supporting material for your speech, it's important to select materials that demonstrate how the speech 

A. is relevant to the audience.
b. helps the audience comprehend the information.
c. establishes common ground between you and the audience.
d. is appropriate for the audience's initial attitudes
e. accomplishes all of these things,

Answer: E

Internal summaries perform two functions for the speaker. They remind the audience of the key points the speaker has already talked about, and

Internal summaries perform two functions for the speaker. They remind the audience of the key points the speaker has already talked about, and

a. they link previous points with the upcoming one
b. they signal that the speech is drawing to a close
c. they introduce the first main point of the speech
d. they establish a contrast between the introduction and main points of the speech

Answer: D

Informative speakers should ask which one of the following questions when phrasing the specific purpose of an informative speech?

Informative speakers should ask which one of the following questions when phrasing the specific purpose of an informative speech?

a. Who are the people in my audience?
b. What does my audience need to know?
c. What will get my audience interested in my topic?
d. What do I want my audience to learn?

Answer: D

Jaime's informative speech on Hawaiian culture has three main points. Look them over and select the type of organizational pattern that best fits this structure. I. Traditional foods II. Types of dance III. Clothing/Attire

Jaime's informative speech on Hawaiian culture has three main points. Look them over and select the type of organizational pattern that best fits this structure.
I. Traditional foods
II. Types of dance
III. Clothing/Attire

a. Spatial
b. Topical
c. Narrative
d. Chronological

Answer: B

If the topic of your speech is rock climbing and your specific purpose is to familiarize your audience with basic rock climbing equipment, then the general purpose of your speech is ____.

If the topic of your speech is rock climbing and your specific purpose is to familiarize your audience with basic rock climbing equipment, then the general purpose of your speech is ____.

a. to persuade
b. to entertain
c. to give advice
d. to inform

Answer: C

In brainstorming for topics you should

In brainstorming for topics you should

a. limit your ideas to a few.
b. evaluate all of your ideas.
c. write down every idea?whatever comes to mind.
d. None of these answers are correct.

Answer: C